Career Advice Articles | Job-Hunt Fri, 09 Jun 2023 09:47:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Career Advice Articles | Job-Hunt 32 32 Asking, “Should I Quit My Job?” Here’s When It’s Time Mon, 05 Jun 2023 12:14:00 +0000 Feeling stuck in your career? Watch for these signs that it's time to quit your job and make your next move. Plus, how to leave your job on a positive note.

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Are you trying to decide whether to quit your current job and find a new one? That might not be an easy decision, especially when you still need to get another job lined up. On the other hand, staying in a position that makes you unhappy isn’t necessarily a good choice either.

If you feel like bad workdays outweigh good workdays, it’s tempting to think the only solution is to find a new job. But you might have regrets if you make a rash decision about quitting your job based on boredom or minor frustrations.

While only you can decide if it’s time to quit, give yourself a chance to sit down and thoroughly analyze the situation before deciding on your next steps.

Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Recognizing when it’s time to quit your job while you have the cushion of steady employment is the best-case scenario.

Spend some time diving into your motivations to determine what your best career move is. Perhaps you’re simply going through a rough transition with a new leader, or there’s been a change in company priorities that has resulted in some temporary adjustments.

Consider the following scenarios to determine whether or not it’s time to move on.

Lack of Professional Development Opportunities

Has your career growth stalled? Are you no longer progressing toward your professional development goals? Perhaps you’re feeling unappreciated and frustrated. Is it possible that this is a growth phase that will pass?

If you’re looking for the opportunity to move up in the ranks but you’ve determined that there is no chance for upward mobility in your company, it may be time to move on.

Lack of Interest and Enthusiasm

Take some time when you’re away from work and analyze your feelings. Think about getting ready to start your workday. Do you have to drag yourself to your computer every day because you’ve lost all motivation and energy for your role? That’s not a good sign.

Here’s another way to think about it.

Suppose you have a close friend looking for work. If you were to give your honest opinion, would you tell them your company is, overall, a great one? Would you say your talents and skills are generally appreciated, despite not enjoying some of your current duties? Or, would you advise your friend to steer clear and apply elsewhere? Your response may lead you to your answer.

Lack of Work-Life Balance

What about your mental and physical health? With consistently high stress levels, you might notice that your mental and physical health are plummeting. You’re struggling to concentrate on routine tasks, and your work performance is slipping.

Outside of work, do you lack the desire to enjoy your free time? Instead, are you focused on getting some rest just to get you through the following week?

If you’re regularly overworked and overwhelmed by job-related stress, it may be time to seek a new opportunity that supports a better work-life balance.

How to Quit Your Job Gracefully

If you’ve taken a big-picture view of your job and determined that it’s time to move on, here’s how to do so with grace and professionalism.

Keep Your Job Search Quiet

Resist the temptation to tell your favorite teammates that you’re looking for a new job, or leaving without notice just hoping something works out.

You could jeopardize your current job if your employer finds out you’re looking before you’re ready. They may launch a search for a new candidate themselves. And not only that, but they might decide that they can redistribute your workload and let you go before you have a new job lined up.

Set clear boundaries to help keep your networking and job search-related activities under wraps. For example, never use your work email or phone number for your contact information in your job application. Instead, use a separate, personal email address and your personal phone number for job search-related activities. And schedule interviews or phone calls before or after work, or during your lunch break.

It’s also important to be discreet on social media, including LinkedIn, as coworkers or supervisors could notice even seemingly innocent posts or interactions.

Share the News

When you’ve finalized your plans to leave your current position for a new one, your manager or leader should be the first to hear the news, and you should provide a written resignation.

Ideally, you’ll give adequate notice. Most industry standards require at least two weeks’ notice so your manager has time to transition your workload and start looking for a replacement.

Exiting gracefully also means you should be respectful and courteous in your interactions with your manager, colleagues, and HR department. Don’t vent your frustrations or burn bridges on your way out. You never know when your actions now will impact future job prospects or your industry networking efforts.

Provide Support With the Transition

Focus on helping your company with the transition by completing or detailing outstanding projects or tasks. Participate in an exit interview, and provide any feedback or suggestions on how the company could improve. But remember to stay positive and not to bad-mouth anyone.

By leaving on a positive note, you can maintain your professional reputation and, hopefully, gain positive references and networking contacts.

Moving On to the Next Stage

Quitting your job can be a challenging and emotional experience, but it’s also an opportunity to take control of your career and pursue new opportunities.

Remember that it’s essential to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being, and leaving a job on a positive note can have long-term benefits for your career.

Whether you’re leaving your job to recharge, pursue a new role, or launch a freelance business, you’ll be thankful you did it right.

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4 Steps to Grow Your Career as a Young Professional Mon, 15 May 2023 10:33:00 +0000 Are you focused on growing your career? Here are four essential steps to take early in your career that will accelerate your success.

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At the start of your career, the best way to advance and succeed isn’t always clear. You may be talented at your chosen profession, but you’re still unproven to your boss, colleagues, and industry, which makes it incumbent on you to approach your career growth strategically.

Here are four steps that can smooth your trajectory to the top.

Find a Mentor

Meeting and exceeding career goals usually doesn’t “just happen”—it’s a process that builds over time (or doesn’t) depending on your choices and actions.

One of the most prudent professional decisions you can make early in your career is to benefit from key workplace relationships with people who know more and may be willing to help you out. In particular, intentionally finding and forging business relationships with a mentor can help you achieve success in your company and industry. A mentor is a senior-level colleague who agrees to coach and advise you on issues in your job, company, and industry.

Sean Nguyen, Director of Internet Advisor, explained that when he first started out in the world of online work, he found it quite daunting—he didn’t know where to start, how to manage his time effectively, or even what jobs to look out for. A mentor changed that for him.

“Luckily, when I found my first online job, the CEO of the small business was willing to mentor me and help me to grow my knowledge and skills,” Nguyen said. “I used the knowledge that he taught me to improve not only in that company but in all the other businesses that I ended up working for.”

Seek Sponsors and Other Advocates

While many are familiar with the concept of mentors, sponsors and advocates can be even more instrumental to your career growth.

Sponsors and other advocates are generally even more invested in your career progression than mentors are. They use their own executive connections to help open doors for you while also helping to promote your strengths to others in the organization to create new opportunities.

Sondra Sutton Phung, Marketing General Manager at Ford Motor Company, recommends that young professionals secure a well-respected advocate, which she explains is very different from a mentor. “Advocates must believe in you enough to break down barriers that will inevitably exist in a large corporation,” said Sutton Phung.

Join a Career-Related Community

In addition to the individual relationships you create early in your career with senior-level mentors, sponsors, and other advocates, finding a community of like-minded professionals at different levels of their career can help fuel your own growth more quickly—while helping you enjoy the process more too.

“It’s really difficult to grow your career if you’re off on an island by yourself—you need other people and they need you,” said Jo Harris, a Conversion Copywriter and Business Coach who has over a decade of experience as a remote digital marketer.

One of the easiest ways to seek a professional community is to join an online group that caters to your industry, either through a social media site like LinkedIn or Facebook, or through industry-specific associations and organizations.

Apply Your Passion

Having the best advocates and community in the world won’t advance your career if you don’t do your part to excel. Sponsors will only want to recommend you if you stand out as exceptional, and colleagues in your professional community won’t think of you for opportunities if you come across as bored or negative about your work life.

“However tempting it may be with remote work, forget about quiet quitting and doing the bare minimum,” advised Nathan Brunner, CEO at Salarship, a job search engine for candidates who want to find low-competition employment opportunities. “Pay some time to research the industry and be aware of its latest changes. Take extra time and extra projects, if it’s possible. Remember that good things never come easy, and hard work always pays off.”

Brunner believes that another smart thing you can do to grow your career is to find something you’re truly passionate about. “If you don’t love what you are doing, you will never be able to work at your full potential,” Brunner concluded.

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Clear Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job Mon, 20 Mar 2023 12:03:00 +0000 Leaving your job can be tough, but it can also be the right move for your career. Here's how to know when it's time and how to land a new job quickly.

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Leaving a job can be scary. What if it’s a mistake? Or, what if you can’t find a new position? Despite these concerns, there are times when leaving a job is the right thing to do for your career.

Below, we share a few signs that it’s time to leave your job and how to find a new one quickly. 

When It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Leaving a job isn’t a decision to make lightly. However, there are some red flags that, when combined, can signal that it’s time for your tenure at a company to draw to a close.

Consider some of the following signs that it’s time for you to look for a new job.

People Don’t Trust Each Other

If colleagues don’t trust each other, you’re in a toxic work environment. You’re not going to be able to collaborate effectively, and the team won’t be productive enough to hit their goals.

You deserve to feel safe at work; if you can’t trust your colleagues or boss, it’s time to start exploring your options.

There’s No Room for Growth

No reasonable employer would expect you to work in an entry-level position (with entry-level pay) for five years. Eventually, you will outgrow your role.

If you’ve learned all you can from a job and don’t have any room to continue to hone your professional skills, it’s likely time for you to look for a new position at a different company.

There’s a High Turnover Rate

Your manager left in your first month on the job. Your favorite work friend has quit after only six months with the company. If it seems like everyone at work has incredibly short tenures with the company, that’s a red flag that you’re not in a healthy work environment. 

Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do to change a company-wide problem. If you notice high turnover rates at work, the best thing to do is get out. 

Preparing to Leave Your Job

You know it’s time to quit your job, but how can you find a new role quickly? Below are a few tips to help you land a new position. 

Get Clear on What You Want

Get crystal clear on the type of job you want. Don’t just think about job titles.

Consider whether you want to work remotely or if you’d prefer a hybrid job. Do you want to work a standard 9-to-5, or do you want to find a company that offers flexible work schedules?

Think about what you’re looking for in a job, so you can target companies with positions that meet your needs. 

Update Your Resume

You’ll need to update your resume before submitting it in a job application. Make sure to highlight your most relevant skills and experience. Be sure to focus your resume on your accomplishments—don’t just provide a list of daily tasks. This will help you stand out from the competition.

In addition, tailor your resume to each position you apply for. Do this discreetly so you can job search without your employer knowing.

Work Your Network

Your network plays a vital role in uncovering new opportunities. If you have friends and family you can trust, let them know you’re conducting a discreet job search, so they can refer you to anyone they know who’s hiring. 

In addition, consider joining LinkedIn groups to network with industry professionals and uncover hidden job opportunities. Make sure to choose relevant groups for your role and industry.

And remember, networking is a two-way street. Be sure to reciprocate and help your network with introductions, referrals, or advice. 

Find a New Job

Sometimes, jobs simply don’t pan out for a feasible long-term role. If this has happened to you, it’s time to start looking for a new position. By identifying what you’re looking for in a role, updating your resume, and leveraging your network, you’ll be able to find a better job where you can thrive. 

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How to Quit a Job You Just Started Mon, 20 Feb 2023 08:33:00 +0000 Sometimes a new job isn't what you expected or just isn't the right fit. Here's why leaving can be the right move and how to resign professionally.

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You were so excited to start your new job—only now you’re discovering that it’s really not a great fit for you. You might be eyeing the door but wondering how to quit your new job without permanently damaging your career prospects.

After all, job-hopping is generally frowned upon by employers. They might hesitate to invest in someone with a track record of leaving as soon as another opportunity comes along. But the reality is that one job doesn’t make an entire history, and leaving a job that’s a poor fit might be the best thing you can do for your career in the long run.

If you find yourself in a new role that isn’t going to pan out, use the following tips to create your exit strategy.

Validate Your Reasons for Quitting

Maybe the role isn’t what you expected, or the company culture is toxic. Perhaps you’re just not cut out for that line of work. Whatever your reasons, it’s essential to make sure it’s not a temporary situation that you could work through.

If you’re unsure about whether or not your reasons are valid, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I in danger or feeling unsafe in any way?
  • Am I being asked to do things that are illegal or unethical?
  • Does this job go against my values or beliefs?
  • Do I feel over my head and not qualified for this job?
  • Is the work environment so toxic that it’s negatively impacting my mental health?
  • Will I be miserable doing this in another five years?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it’s time to start looking for a new job. And if the job is causing you to feel unsafe or negatively impacting your health, you might need to leave before you have another job lined up.

When the Role Is Overwhelming (or Underwhelming)

On the other hand, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, or you’re not sure you’re cut out for the work, maybe give it some more time. You may need to adjust to the new role and get more comfortable with the team and responsibilities.

Maybe it’s the opposite issue. Did the job description portray the role as an opportunity to gain many skills you need for your career growth, and that doesn’t seem to be the case? If so, try and do a little reconnaissance and find out if perhaps you’re still in the foundational stage and those opportunities might still come down the road.

Either way, consider sitting down with your manager to discuss your concerns. Do your best to be professional and pragmatic. Leave your frustrations and emotions at the door and approach the conversation from a problem-solving perspective.

Realistically, it takes a lot of time and money to hire a new employee, so your manager likely wants you to succeed as well.

When You’ve Gotten a Better Job Offer

What do you do when an unexpected job opportunity pops up? If it’s your dream job or has fantastic potential for your career, then realistically, it’s probably best for your career if you take it.

If you haven’t made a history of job-hopping, one chance for an excellent role won’t demolish your career history, but you should still be professional with your exit strategy.

When You’re Making a Career Change

There might come a time when you change jobs only to discover that it wasn’t the job that was a poor fit, but the entire industry isn’t where you’re thriving.

If you’re considering a career change—from marketing to being a teacher, for example—there’s no shame in starting over.

It’s all about how you present your job history and explain your decision during interviews. As long as you can validate your reasons for wanting to make a change and demonstrate that you’re committed to the new field, it’s unlikely that you’ll suffer significant career setbacks.

Create an Exit Strategy

If you’re leaving for any reason other than your safety, decide how and when you will leave.

Develop a Time Frame

If you’re able, start job searching while keeping your job. It might seem obvious, but do your best to keep your job search private. Avoid talking about it with your coworkers, and be strategic about how and where you post it online.

When you’re relatively new in a role, it’s unlikely that your current manager will continue investing in your training if they discover that you’re job searching. Discretion is your best ally in maintaining your income until you have a new job lined up.

Be Professional in Your Departure

Even if you didn’t enjoy your time at the company, it’s essential to be professional when departing. You never know who else in the industry your manager and teammates know. Being unprofessional can cause unforeseen complications that aren’t worth the negative career fallout.

When you do give notice, hand in your resignation letter in person—rather than sending an email, if possible—and ensure that you’re giving the information to your boss first. You don’t want them to hear it from someone else in the break room.

Be prepared for their disappointment (and possibly frustration) if you’re a recent hire. Remaining calm and professional can help keep the conversation on track.

Explore Any Necessary Damage Control

Once you’ve left, keep an eye out for any possible networking or overall career fallout that might result. This shouldn’t be an issue if you leave your job amicably and on good terms.

In some cases, it might make sense to do a bit of personal branding damage control by collecting positive testimonials on LinkedIn, gathering glowing reviews from previous managers, and ensuring that your social media presence is positive and polished.

Negative career fallout is more common when you’ve been let go from a position, so even if you quit on short tenure, there’s usually less risk involved.

When You’re Leaving a New Job

When you start a new job full of hope only to discover that it’s not a dream fit, it can be daunting to get back out there and start searching again. If there’s no way to thrive in your current role, take the time to ensure that your next role will be an excellent fit and then make a move, rather than resign yourself to a daily struggle.

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8 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work Mon, 09 Jan 2023 23:57:47 +0000 Whether you work at home or in an office, these eight small changes to your routine can keep you healthy. How many are you already doing?

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Modern professionals are notoriously bad at balancing work and health. Whether you work remotely or have a traditional office role, there’s a good chance that your daily health habits could use a tune-up.

But rather than try and overhaul everything at once, consider where you can make the most effortless changes and begin there.

8 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work

For some people, staying healthy at work might mean swapping their afternoon coffee for a glass of water. For others, it might be investing in a standing desk or taking a conference call while going for a walk. And for others still, it might be eating healthy snacks or packing a nutritious lunch from home. No matter what, there are small changes that everyone can make to stay healthy at work.

1. Take a Break From Sitting

It’s easy to get stuck in a sedentary lifestyle, especially if your job is computer-based, but it’s essential to ensure that you get up and move around regularly.

Setting a timer to remind yourself every 30-40 minutes to stand up and stretch or take a quick walk down the hall and back will do wonders for your health and focus.

2. Prioritize Healthy Meals and Snacks

It can be tempting to indulge in unhealthy snacks, but it’s important to ensure you eat healthy meals and snacks throughout the day. Vending machines and fast food can be easy but damaging.

Planning and preparing healthy meals can help you stay on track. Consider starting out with some prepackaged nuts or veggies to make it easier to get in the habit of having whole foods during the day.

3. Connect With Others

Focusing on growing your career makes it easy to feel isolated from the rest of the world. Take time to connect with friends and family in person or online. Talking to others can help you feel more connected and less alone.

And if there is an existing health group at your work, joining can be a great way to stay motivated with healthy living habits while building a stronger professional network. If your workplace lacks such a group, consider talking to your employer about creating one.

4. Exercise Daily

We’ve all heard that exercise is vital for overall health and can help improve your mood and energy levels. But you don’t have to invest in a costly gym membership or sign up for a triathlon. Small changes can make a big impact, and exercising at work is more manageable than you’ve probably imagined.

At your desk, do a few stretches, or consider investing in an under-desk treadmill. If that’s not an option, schedule a walk at lunch and on breaks. The steps can add up quickly.

5. Stay Hydrated

It’s incredible how quickly you can dehydrate without even noticing the signals. Ensure that you’re drinking enough water throughout the day—consider keeping a water bottle near your desk so you can take sips regularly.

6. Build in Routine Breaks

Whether it’s for lunch or your days off each week, make breaks a part of your work routine. They give your mind a chance to rest and your body the opportunity to do something different than the repetitive motions your role calls for.

And don’t forget about longer breaks so that you can fully recharge. As a culture, Americans are notoriously horrible at taking vacations. However, a complete break from work is a very healthy decision. Not only can you de-stress, but you can also enjoy a bit of time to relax and refocus.

7. Focus on Sufficient Sleep

It can be tempting to burn the candle at both ends while balancing your career with personal commitments, but it’s essential to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Sufficient rest can help you boost your immune system. As a bonus, you’ll be more productive during the day.

8. Don’t Neglect Your Mental Wellness

While focusing on your physical health is vital, don’t stop there. Take the extra steps to ensure that you’re maintaining your mental health as well.

Keep tabs on your stress levels; if you’re consistently feeling high anxiety levels, it’s time to take action. Perhaps you can take time throughout the day to practice some deep breathing activities or do some yoga on your lunch break.

And if you’re finding it difficult to cope with work-related stressors, don’t hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional who can offer support and guidance.

How Flexible Work Options Support Health

Another way to stay healthy at work is to take advantage of flexible work policies if they are available. Flexible work policies can take many forms, but all aim to give employees more control over their time. This could mean working from home one or two days per week, starting and ending the work day early or late, or taking longer breaks.

When employees have more control over their time, they can better manage their work-life blend, which is beneficial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consider just a few of the health perks that flexible workers enjoy:

  • Reduced stress
  • Avoiding office germs
  • Getting more sleep
  • Shorter (and fewer) illnesses
  • Increased happiness
  • More opportunities for fitness
  • More energy

Thrive With a Healthier Work-Life Balance

Both employers and employees experience the benefits of flexible work policies. By having more time and less stress, employees can get more sleep, have more time to enjoy life, and can be healthier at work and at home. All of these benefits create a happier and more productive team.

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The Ultimate Guide to Going From Fired to Hired Mon, 14 Nov 2022 17:47:00 +0000 It can be tough when you lose your job, but following these steps can help you ease into your job search and quickly land your next opportunity.

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You never thought it would happen to you. But today, you found out you will not be continuing in your current role. Being fired can be devastating, even if you saw it coming. But it’s not the end of the road for your career.

Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue magazine, said everyone should be fired at least once. Below, we discuss what to do if you’re fired and how to find your next role. 

How to Go From Fired to Hired

Getting fired can be terrifying. But it’s important to note that:

  • It doesn’t diminish your professional skills.
  • You still have qualifications employers find desirable.
  • You can learn and grow from your mistakes.
  • It will not ruin your career.

You can find a new job after being fired. Here’s how to find your next role. 

Take Time to Process Grief

Getting fired is a shock for anyone, even if you had a sense that it was coming. It may not be the best thing to hit the job boards immediately. You need to take time to process the range of emotions from being fired. 

Don’t lash out at your boss or the company on social media. If you need to cry in your bedroom, do so. Make yourself a cup of tea, go for a walk, or get together with friends. Look for productive ways to cope with the emotions of being fired. You need to take care of yourself before jumping into a new job search.

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, please know you’re not alone. There are various mental health resources around the globe available to assist you. 

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Once you’ve had time to process your grief, you can start searching for your next open role.

One of the most important things you can do to find a job is to create a LinkedIn profile. Ninety-five percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to find and vet candidates, so it’s an essential part of a modern job search. 

Some general best practices for LinkedIn include:

  • Have a professional photo.
  • Use a strategic LinkedIn headline with keywords; don’t use “seeking opportunities.”
  • Fill out your profile completely to appear in more searches.
  • Keep your posts professional. Remember, employers can see your activity. 

Research Employers

Most people begin their job search by scouring through job boards for hours and submitting their resume to anything that looks remotely relevant. For a more streamlined job search, it’s better to research employers first. 

Job boards like FlexJobs allow job seekers to research employers to see what positions they hire for, flexible work options offered (i.e., if the company offers hybrid jobs), and any awards or workplace accolades received. You can also follow companies, so you get alerts the minute your target companies post new job listings. 

Practice Talking About Your Firing in Interviews

You’ve applied for jobs, and you’ve got the interview. Things are looking up! While you should practice your common job interview questions, you should also prepare to talk about being fired. 

Being fired isn’t an uncommon experience, and it can happen for many reasons, from budget cuts to personality clashes. When explaining being fired to an employer, it’s important to stay positive, be honest, and focus on what you’ve learned from the experience. 

I Think I’m Going to Be Fired. What Do I Do?

Maybe you’ve been demoted, or your boss barely acknowledges you in the team meeting. You know that there’s a good chance you’ll be let go. While you can’t control the actions of your boss, there are some things you can do to prepare for being fired. 

Create an Emergency Fund

From day one of your current job, your priority should be to create an emergency fund. After losing your job, it’s likely that you won’t have a new job the next day.

While job hunting, you’ll need to be able to cover rent, groceries, student loan payments, and any other necessities. You need to save enough money to cover at least three months of expenses for you and your family.

Update Your Resume

If you haven’t been job hunting in a while, there’s a good chance you need to update your resume.

When writing your resume, include relevant skills, quantifiable achievements, and relevant jobs or volunteer experience. Before submitting your resume to an employer, proofread for grammatical or spelling mistakes. 

Work Your Network

It’s best to start networking before you need to find a new job. Fire up your connections with old colleagues, friends, or university professors. Participate in industry association meetups or conferences. 

Being Fired Isn’t the End of the Road

While it can certainly be upsetting, getting fired isn’t the end of your career. By following these steps, you can confidently land a new role with a company you love.

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How to Create a Board of Advisors for Your Career Thu, 27 Oct 2022 12:14:00 +0000 Leaning on trusted advisors can help set you up for career success. Use these tips to build an advisory board that will help you reach new milestones.

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When you think of a board of advisors, you may picture a group of professionals in suits consulting on ways to improve business strategy. While that’s one instance of using an advisory board, it’s not the only one. A career advisory board can also help advise you on your professional endeavors. 

Below we go over what a career advisory board is and how to create one that sets you up for professional success. 

What Is a Board of Advisors?

Just like with a company, a board of advisors gives you advice and support regarding your career. Unlike a formal mentor-mentee relationship, each member of your board possesses various strengths and expertise that you can consult them on. 

Each member can provide valuable insights in your job search, making the case for a promotion, or even changing careers. They are a support network committed to helping you succeed professionally.

How to Create Your Board of Advisors

A board of advisors can help your career tremendously. Here’s how to create your own.

Set Goals

You wouldn’t get in the car and drive without a destination. You need to understand your career goals in order to figure out who should be on your personal board of advisors

What are you hoping to accomplish professionally? Do you want to land a promotion, or change career fields? Get specific with what you want to achieve. Once you have set your career goals, you can move on to the next step: including the right people. 

Include the Right People

Now that you understand your goals, you need to fill your board with the right people to help you achieve them. You can include people from your professional and personal life. 

You might include a trusted coworker or a former colleague. Or, if you’re a new grad, perhaps you could include a professor with knowledge of your ideal industry. Consider looking for people who are where you want to be or whose achievements you admire.

Also, make sure to diversify your board. You don’t want everyone to work in the C-suite or the same industry. You also don’t want your board to be made up solely of people who have the same master’s degree. Having diverse perspectives will only strengthen your board and help you uncover critical insights for career success. 

Contact Them

Once you’ve narrowed down the people you want to be on your board, it’s time to contact them. An email or LinkedIn message should suffice. Here are a few best practices when reaching out to prospective members of your career advisory board:

  • Keep your email brief and to the point.
  • Be courteous in your communications.
  • Briefly explain why you are reaching out to them.
  • Let them know you value their insights.

Here’s how that may look in writing:

Hi Stefanie,

I’m reaching out because I’m creating an advisory board to help me transition from teaching into software engineering. We’ve known each other for many years and I really admire your achievements as the first female Director of Software Engineering at XYZ company. Your passion for programming and diversity in tech really inspires me and I’d value the opportunity to hear your insights and learn more about the work that you do. Would you be open to grabbing a cup of coffee next week?

Form a Career Advisory Board

To succeed in your career, consider an advisory board. An advisory board, when made up of the right people, can help you unlock valuable insights to excel in your career and achieve your professional goals. 

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Why Career Management Is Essential Today Thu, 06 Oct 2022 17:06:00 +0000 Do you have professional goals you hope to reach? Is your career is stuck on autopilot? Here's how career management can help you take control.

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Do you stare like a deer in the headlights when someone asks where you want to be in five years? Or, perhaps you dream of getting to the C-suite, but you’re unsure of how.

If you want that dream to become a reality, you need to prioritize career management. Below, we go over what career management is, its benefits, and how to start managing your career. 

What Is Career Management?

In short, career management is taking control of your career. It involves planning out your career and taking intentional steps to achieve that plan. Instead of passively clocking in and out every day hoping someone else will direct you to the next step, you are responsible for the trajectory of your career. 

The Benefits of Career Management

As mentioned above, with career management, you are in control of your career. Career management helps you to grow your skills and develop deep knowledge of your industry. It’s also a road map to get to where you ultimately want to be in your career (i.e., the C-suite).

Career Management: Essential Steps 

Ready to take control of your career? Below are a few essential steps for career management. 

Set Goals

The first step you need to take before you do anything else is to set goals. Studies show that once you write goals down, you’re 42% more likely to achieve them. Make sure to use SMART goals, which are:

  • Specific: What specifically do you want to achieve?
  • Measurable: How will you know that you’ve achieved your goal?
  • Attainable: Is this goal realistic?
  • Relevant: Why does this goal matter for my career?
  • Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline. 

A SMART goal is not “get promoted.” Here’s what a SMART goal looks like in action:

  • Specific: I want to get my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.
  • Measurable: I will achieve this by taking the PMP exam. 
  • Attainable: I will take night classes three times a week to prepare for the exam.
  • Relevant: I want a high-paying job as a senior project manager, and this certification will set me apart from others.
  • Time-bound: I will complete this by the end of December. 

Prioritize Professional Development

Industries are constantly changing. There’s always new technology, and in just a few years, what was once considered a best practice can quickly become outdated. That’s why it’s important to continue to develop professionally throughout your career. 

If possible, seek out professional development opportunities at work. Or, see if your employer provides tuition reimbursement if you take courses at your local community college. Find ways to keep up to date with industry best practices and continue to grow your skills at every level of your career

Also, consider attending industry conferences or events. Some employers will pay for employees to attend relevant conferences, so check with your employer to see if this is an option for you. If you’re a member of a professional organization, sometimes members get exclusive discounts on accommodations or tickets. 

Grow Your Network

Networking often gets a bad rap. It generates an image of approaching someone hat in hand, desperate for opportunities. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

At its core, networking is actually about relationship-building, and it’s a two-way street. You should reciprocate by helping your network as they try to manage their own careers.

Networking is essential to uncover opportunities to grow your career. Below are a few networking best practices:

  • Utilize LinkedIn, an online professional networking platform. 
  • Participate in local in-person networking events.
  • Include the right people in your network, such as former colleagues. 
  • Put your cell phone on silent mode at networking events. 

Take Control of Your Career

Career management is essential to successfully growing your career and advancing to where you ultimately want to be. By setting goals, networking, and developing professionally, you can manage your career with ease.

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How to Create a Meaningful Career Thu, 15 Sep 2022 12:14:00 +0000 Are you looking for more purpose? Here's how to determine what drives you and search for new opportunities, or find new meaning in your current job.

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Are you feeling burned out by your demanding job? Are you looking for more meaningful work aligned with a cause you care about? Or, maybe you just feel your purpose isn’t putting numbers in a spreadsheet every day?

If this is you, you’re not alone. According to the Harvard Business Review, 9 out of 10 workers would take a pay cut to work in a more meaningful job.

So, how can you find a new role that’s fulfilling and gives you purpose? Below are a few steps you can take to find a meaningful career.

Determine What Meaningful Means to You

Meaningful work means different things to different people. You don’t have to work for a nonprofit to do meaningful work (but if that’s what you want to do, go for it!). 

Meaningful work might mean that you get to use your passion for coding to solve problems. It could mean using your artistic skills to create graphic designs for local businesses. Or, it could mean you teach English to children in other countries. 

Meaningful work might also mean working for a company with a mission you really believe in or that has a social responsibility program. To find meaningful work, first determine what meaningful means for you

Know What Drives You

Do you want to use your coding skills to create apps that improve the lives of people with disabilities? Do you want to instill a passion for STEM in children? Or, maybe you want to ensure fair housing for everyone in your city. Knowing what fuels you and how that aligns with your skills is critical for uncovering potential career options. 

Make an inventory of skills you have and ways you’d like to apply those professionally. Putting these thoughts on paper can help you organize and analyze where you can make the biggest difference.

Know Your Work Values

Your work values are an essential part of finding meaning in any job. After all, you’re going to get burned out quickly commuting to an office every day if you value the freedom of being a digital nomad. 

If you value having more time to be there for your family, maybe you’d like to find a company that values work-life balance. Finding a company that aligns with your values will increase job satisfaction and ensure you’re not job searching again a few months after accepting an offer. 

Find the Right Employers

Now that you know what you want to do and the values that drive you, it’s time to search for jobs. But don’t rush straight to the job boards. Instead, start by researching potential employers.

Find out which nonprofits are working to end homelessness or which companies are going green. By researching the companies that match your values first, you can have a shorter, more efficient job search. 

Look for Meaning in Your Current Job

If a job search isn’t a realistic possibility right now, look for meaning in your current job. Maybe as a customer service representative, you get to help people solve problems and make their lives easier. 

If you’re a sales representative for a medical devices company, you could remind yourself that your products keep people healthy. Look for ways to find meaning in your everyday job duties, no matter how small they may seem. 

There could also be internal opportunities for growth through different resource groups or new projects. Explore the different areas where you could make an impact and connect.

Find a Meaningful Career

A meaningful career can mean different things to different people. For some, it’s being able to use their creativity in their role, while for others, it’s working at a nonprofit. However you define meaningful work, by following these steps, you can find the right job for you.

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How to Get Promoted: 3 Important Steps Tue, 16 Aug 2022 09:55:00 +0000 If your next goal is to land a promotion, it's smart to find out what it takes. Here's how to start the conversation with your employer and get promoted.

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Few people want to just stay in their current role indefinitely. A common goal in working any job for many employees is to earn a promotion and move up the ranks in their company. But just because most people want to get promoted doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to achieve. The reality is that there’s no definitive playbook for winning a promotion, so figuring out the best way to make it happen can feel frustrating and overwhelming.

Consider these basic pointers on steps that can help you stand out and get noticed by your boss for promotion consideration—as well as a few actions to avoid.

Confirm What a Promotion Requires at Your Company

If moving up to the next level is on your radar, it’s smart to find out what it generally takes to be in contention for a promotion.

You may not want to broach the subject of a promotion during a job interview, since the employer might feel that you’re not interested in the current role.

A better time to bring up the subject with your boss is during your performance review. Your review offers a built-in opportunity to share with your supervisor your objective of earning a promotion; you can then request specifics about what it will take to reach your goal

Here are some questions you can ask your boss:

  • What steps should I take in the next review period to position myself competitively for a promotion?
  • Are there any stretch assignments that I can take on to prove my readiness for the next level?
  • Is there anything that you would like to see me change in order to better prepare myself for a leadership position?

Put What You Learn Into Action—and Document It

Once you know what your boss expects to see from you in order to be promotion-worthy, start putting wheels in motion to deliver.

If you found out during your review that you need to be comfortable presenting to teams, then line up some speaking opportunities, either formal or informal, to gain experience. If your supervisor pointed you toward a potential stretch opportunity, carve out some extra time to take it on. Develop and practice any leadership skills that your boss suggested, and if you need training in specific areas, consider taking an online course to boost your skills.

As you execute on the action items that your company recommended, be sure to document your progress, noting dates of completion and milestones reached along the way. Be prepared to share your write-up with your manager at your next review, pointing out that you’ve followed through on the suggested steps toward your next promotion.

Ask for a Timeline

Once you’ve checked all of the items off the list that your boss outlined for promotion readiness, don’t be afraid to investigate what a potential timeline for advancement might look like.

While you don’t want to be too pushy about this, since it can backfire with your manager, it’s fair to request a general sense of timing. Your boss will let you know if it’s too soon to identify ballpark dates, but asking may help you find out whether a move up could be in the cards within the next review period, year, or multiyear period.

If you’ve done your best putting the steps above into action but still haven’t been promoted, don’t give up. There’s no predictable timeline to identify when someone might be due for a promotion, and it rarely happens overnight.

If you’ve played your best hand toward earning a leg up and feel stymied in your efforts after a year of trying, talk to your boss, or perhaps human resources, about your goals. Point out the strides you’ve made and ask again for clarification of what’s required to earn a promotion in your department and company. And remember, if you feel that you’ve proven yourself promotion-worthy, yet your current employer has repeatedly failed to recognize it, you can always seek a career boost outside of the company.

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