After being laid off in 1994, Susan P. Joyce took over Job-Hunt (which she ran until March 2021) and began studying, writing, teaching, and speaking about the field of online job search with a focus on smart and effective job search techniques, building on her experience in human resources, information technology, and military intelligence.

For many years, Susan and were honored to be mentioned, quoted, and recommended by the late Richard N. Bolles, in many editions of the classic career and job search “bible” — What Color Is Your Parachute? Dick included Susan and Job-Hunt in 15 of the annual editions of Parachute.

Affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management from 2011 through 2016, Susan held Visiting Scholar appointments with the Sloan School for 3 of those years. The research at MIT was focused on long-term unemployment.

Susan has been quoted in hundreds of articles, books, and websites including TIME, FORTUNE, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and many others.

If you would like to contact Susan for your publication or program, call NETability offices at (508) 624-6261. More contact information is available on Job-Hunt’s Contact page.

Counting her Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps where she served as an intelligence officer, Susan is a two-time layoff “graduate.” She was also one of tens of thousands of employees laid off in 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation, number 28 on the Fortune 500 company at that time, which completely disappeared by 1998. Susan’s work on Job-Hunt resulted from those two experiences.

Based on her pre-Digital experience working in Harvard University’s Personnel Office and in a Boston compensation consulting company as well as her numerous industry contacts, Susan has written and spoken extensively on the subject of online job search and was a pioneer in this relatively new field. Susan also teaches employers and recruiters how to recruit employees online.

In addition to her own websites, Susan is also a contributor to the following websites:

LinkedIn Pulse (Harvard Business Review)

Susan and Job-Hunt have received substantial recognition on Twitter as well, @JobHuntOrg:

50 Best Twitter Accounts for Job Search Advice 2019
Top 50 Twitter Accounts for Job Search 2018
The 75 Best Twitter Accounts to Follow for Your Career
40 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Job Search in 2015
20 Twitter Resources for Job Hunters
15 Career Pros Boomers Should Follow on Twitter
The Top 100 Most Social Human Resources Experts on Twitter
99 People to Follow on Twitter 2013 – list from
14 Career Experts to Follow on Twitter – 2012 list from Mashable.
15 Career Experts Not to Miss on Twitter – 2012 list on the Daily Muse

In addition, many other Websites have quoted or featured Job-Hunt and/or Susan P. Joyce, including:

ENTREPRENEUR – 13 Must-Have Words to Include In Your Resume
GLASSDOOR – 10 Things to Doublecheck On An Offer Letter
FORBES – 12 Free Resources To Find a Job, Start A Side Hustle Or Change Careers
FORBES – Personal SEO Is Essential for Career Success
FORBES – Job Scammers Are Getting Better, But You Can Protect Yourself – 4 Research-Based Ways to Make a Killer First Impression
FORBES, Richard Eisenberg – Nurture Your Most Valuable Asset, Your Reputation
FORBES, Richard Eisenberg – 10 Tips to Job Hunt Successfully During the Holidays
FORTUNE/CNN Money, Ask Annie – Why the Holidays Are the Best Time to Find a New Job
FORBES – How to Stop Playing Resume Roulette
FORBES, Ken Sundheim – 35 of the Most Influential Career Sites for 2014
FORTUNE/CNN Money, Ask Annie – Does Your Boss Know You’re Job Hunting?
FORTUNE/CNN Money, Ask Annie – Leave now or risk getting laid off
Newsweek – Job Woes, Health Blues?
Boston Globe Profile
FORTUNE/CNN Money, Ask Annie – Job offer or identity-theft scam
JibberJobber Blog – A Website You Can Trust
Link-Up Digital – One-Stop Job Hunting on the Web

For more about Susan:

Susan’s Job-Hunt articles
Susan’s articles
Susan’s LinkedIn Profile
Job-Hunt Help LinkedIn Group
JobHuntOrg Twitter Account
JobHuntOrg Facebook Page

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