New Year’s Resolutions for Job Seekers

It’s been a while since most of us opened our holiday presents. But it’s not too late to plan your career search for the new year.

In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, I thought I’d provide a few thoughts.

Perhaps by picking one (or more) that you are comfortable with, you just may keep that resolution past February.



  • I will meet (on the phone, via video, or in person) three new people a week who can help me with my job search.
  • I will learn to leverage social media as a vehicle for communicating about myself, and not just as a distraction for hours chatting with new friends.
  • I will not assume a person cannot help me find a job. They may know a great contact I need to meet.
  • I will set up informal discussions with decision-makers/hiring managers even if they are not hiring right now. They may be hiring soon.

Resume and Job Interview

  • I will consider that my resume may not be as good as it could be and seek advice.
  • I will acknowledge that I may not be an interviewing pro. Especially if I’ve interviewed a lot and have not landed a job. I will seek professional advice.


  • I will consider my job search to be a full time job and will dedicate the appropriate amount of time for it. And prioritize it ahead of TV and computer games.
  • I will build a plan for my job hunt by outlining resources to research and key people to contact. I will create a schedule, too. Milestones and goals are important.
  • When I get discouraged, I will share my concerns with a few trusted friends who can offer good advice (instead of giving up hope).

Quality of Life

  • If unemployed, I will volunteer. I will make good use of my time by meeting new people and creating substance for a discussion on “what I’ve been up to recently.”  I will make a difference when many can use my assistance.
  • Read. Learn. Teach. I will educate myself or others on a subject-matter than is pertinent to my profession.
  • I will consider exercise to be a good stress-reliever and pick a program I will enjoy (not necessarily bring the fastest results).


  • I will think about what I liked and disliked in previous jobs and develop the ultimate job description. I will use this to give my search focus and meaning.
  • I will consider new industries and career paths, but I will research the likelihood of being able to make that switch easily.

Working with Recruiters

  • I promise not to apply for positions I am definitely not qualified for.
  • I will work on building relationships with my recruiter by helping him/her as much as they help me.

To all, a happy, productive, and successful 2021, 2022, and beyond!

Jeff LipschultzAbout the author…

Job-Hunt’s Working with Recruiters Expert Jeff Lipschultz is a 20+ year veteran in management, hiring, and recruiting of all types of business and technical professionals. He has worked in industries ranging from telecom to transportation to dotcom. Jeff is a founding partner of A-List Solutions, a Dallas-based recruiting and employment consulting company. Learn more about him through his company site Follow Jeff on LinkedIn and on Twitter (@JLipschultz).
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