Camille Carboneau Roberts’ background includes working nine years for the prime contractor to the Department of Energy at the Idaho National Laboratory and teaching at Eastern Idaho Technical College as an adjunct faculty member. She has held positions in a variety of departments including Electronic and Technical Publications, Spent Fuel Processing, and Human Resources.

Camille started CC Career Services in 1989 providing career-related services including Federal and private-sector résumés, interview coaching, salary negotiating, and computer training. She has helped people gain employment in the Federal government, helping government employees prepare their résumés and narratives for promotions to the Senior Executive Service level, and transitioning Military to the corporate or Federal sectors.

Camille has earned many industry credentials including:

Certified Online Professional Networking Strategist—LinkedIn
Certified Federal Resume Writer/Coach (CFRW/C)
Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)
Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP)
Certified Advanced Resume Writer (CARW)
Certified Internet Job Search Expert (CIJSE)
Behavioral Consultant and Authorized DISC Administrator

Camille is active in several professional organizations including Career Directors International Research Committee (member of the Annual Conference and Education Committees), Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (member of the Certification Committee), National Résumé Writers Association, and the Association of Online Resume and Career Professionals. In addition, Camille is a member of Professional conduct Board of the Idaho State Bar, a volunteer mediator with the Seventh Judicial District Court, and on the Board of Directors of the Grand Teton Mediation Association..

Her work has been featured in 202 Great Resumes, 2500 Keywords to Get You Hired, 101 Best Resumes to Sell Yourself, Expert Résumés for Baby Boomers, Best Resumes for College Graduates, ResumeMaker Deluxe, Job Search Bloopers and How to Avoid Them, No-Nonsense Job Interviews, Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, and 101 Best Résumés for College Graduates. She is also a Contributing Author to the Career Directors International Career Industry Mega Trends Reports.

Camille won the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Woman-Owned Business Award and was recognized for being an Outstanding Supplier to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

Camille is an International TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) Award Winner for Best Cover Letter, Second Place; Best Military Conversion, Second Place. She has also been nominated for three other TORI Awards—Best International Resume, Best Resume for Re-Entry to Workplace, and Best Cover Letter.

Camille speaks about and teaches Federal employment strategies, Federal résumés, narrative writing, and interviewing to small and large groups on-site as well as via webinars. She continually offers her expertise in multiple industry forums and speaking engagements, and through webinars.  Some of the webinars Camille teaches include: Link Yourself In (LinkedIn), Go Out on a Limb to Find a Job with Facebook/BranchOut, Tweet Your Way to a New Job (Twitter), and How to Make a Huge Return on Investment by Finding Employment through

Contact Camille at C[email protected], 208.522.4455, through her web site, and also through social media links, like her LinkedIn Profile. Follow Camille on Twitter @CamilleRoberts, Friend her on Facebook at CamilleCarboneauRoberts and CC Career Services, join her Federal Job Search Group on LinkedIn.

6 Tips for Successful Federal Job Interviews

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Roberts provides a 6-step process for succeeding in your federal job interview to impress the interviewers and win the job offer.

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Federal Resumes: USAJobs Resume Builder Tips

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts lists 14 ways job seekers can escape the USAJOBS resume black hole.

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Preparing Your ECQ’s – Executive Core Qualifications

Camille Carboneau Roberts, Job-Hunt’s Federal Job Search Expert, helps federal job seekers write their ECQ’s (Executive Core Qualifications).

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How to Choose a Professional Email Address

Here’s how to avoid having an inappropriate email address that can damage your opportunity at a federal government job.

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How to Use USAJOBS Saved Searches for a Smarter Federal Government Job Search

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts sets out the step-by-step process for using the

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Using to Find a Government Job is a centralized resource from the US Federal Government containing many Federal Government Job Postings.

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New Job for the New Year: How to Make It Happen

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts shows how you can launch a job search for a new job in the New Year.

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What Is a KSA?

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts helps federal job seekers understand the Federal KSA requirement.

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10 Federal Job Search Mistakes – Part One (First 5)

Camille Carboneau Roberts describes the first 5 of the 10 most common mistakes stopping job seekers from getting a federal job.

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What Is a KSA? (continued)

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts continues her explanation of the Federal KSA requirement.

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Strengthen Your Federal Resume: Showing vs. Telling

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts shows how your resume can be made much stronger by describing your accomplishments.

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Social Media for Federal Job Search

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts helps you helps you understand how to leverage social media for your federal job search.

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Evaluating Your Fit with a Job’s Requirements: Apply or Not

Camille Carboneau Roberts, Job-Hunt’s Federal Job Search Expert, helps job seekers evalutate whether or not they meet a Federal job posting’s requirements.

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The Military to Federal Government Career Transition Option

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts shares the advantages of a federal government career for former military members and how to begin the transition.

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Federal Job Search Toolkit

Camille Carboneau Roberts helps you identify some important federal job search tasks you can do in advance – your toolkit for your federal job search.

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Effective Federal Government Resume

This article highlights the differences between a federal government resume and a typical non-government resume.

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Federal Government Job Search for People with Disabilities

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts describes the programs for job seekers with disabilities who want a US federal government job.

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How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

The 3 most common related mistakes job seekers make that automatically exclude them from landing a US federal government job.

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Update on “KSA’s” (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities)

Federal Job Search Expert Camille Carboneau Roberts updates the status of KSA’s since the Executive Order to improve the hiring process.

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10 Federal Job Search Mistakes – Part Two (Second 5)

Camille Carboneau Roberts describes the second 5 of the 10 most common mistakes stopping job seekers from getting a federal job.

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